Watchseries; This is an interesting, if not quite worthy successor to the infinitely superior A Very English Scandal. The problem here is that the writers clearly decided to make Margaret, the Duchess, the more sympathetic character - one supposes so the audience would have someone to root for, but also clearly in order to create a narrative around the way women were demonised for their sexuality in more repressive times. While this is certainly a valid perspective, it has the effect of short-changing us on the scandal front. In truth, the Duchess was a nasty piece of work, and every bit as bad, if not worse, than the loathsome Duke. But this TV version of events only touches lightly on some of the more appalling things she did, like trying to have her step-sons disinherited, and faking a pregnancy (while attempting to buy a baby) to establish a rival claim to the estate and title. The real Margaret was thoroughly spoilt, vacuous and self-absorbed, and Claire Foy's generous portrayal of her really doesn't do justice to the woman's monstrosity. And if the object here is to dissect a celebrated scandal, why not go all the way? The series is worth watching for the performances, and as a potted history to the Argyll affair, but if you want the full story you'll need to do some further reading.
ozjosh0315 January 2022
This is an interesting, if not quite worthy successor to the infinitely superior A Very English Scandal. The problem here is that the writers clearly decided to make Margaret, the Duchess, the more sympathetic character - one supposes so the audience would have someone to root for, but also clearly in order to create a narrative around the way women were demonised for their sexuality in more repressive times. While this is certainly a valid perspective, it has the effect of short-changing us on the scandal front. In truth, the Duchess was a nasty piece of work, and every bit as bad, if not worse, than the loathsome Duke. But this TV version of events only touches lightly on some of the more appalling things she did, like trying to have her step-sons disinherited, and faking a pregnancy (while attempting to buy a baby) to establish a rival claim to the estate and title. The real Margaret was thoroughly spoilt, vacuous and self-absorbed, and Claire Foy's generous portrayal of her really doesn't do justice to the woman's monstrosity. And if the object here is to dissect a celebrated scandal, why not go all the way? The series is worth watching for the performances, and as a potted history to the Argyll affair, but if you want the full story you'll need to do some further reading.
staciarose2027 December 2021
A Very British Scandal watchseries. How is it all his fault? She had her reputation years before they met, destroyed his ex with humiliation, and in the end she got the shame that was long overdue. She knew who he was before they married. Also, she's a terrible mother. Might not be the case irl, but the rich so often were in those days.
peterrichboy29 December 2021
No this is not about Prince Andrew or Harry and Meg. But a scandal that rocked the establishment in late 1950s Britain when the Duke and Duchess of Argyle were having sex wild parties with everyone except themselves.
I was unaware of this story unlike the previous dramas about Prefumo and Jeremy Thorpe. At a time when divorce was frowned upon in upper classes the story concludes with a high profile court case.
As. With all BBC period dramas the costumes settings hair and make up are out the top draw, as are the performances in particular Clare Foy who does posh awfully well as shown in the Crown. 8/10.
kris-gray30 December 2021
When something like this is written by a woman and directed by one you know there is going to be a heavy bias towards the woman's point of view.
Not much can be changed, unless you want to distort the truth but this is seen from the Duchess' point of view, making the Duke look like the bigger AH than her. I thought it was more six of one and half a dozen of the other. They both had affairs and behaved appallingly, he just got in first.
The leads played their parts well with a great script.
I've read a few rumours of who the headless man was, interesting, Google it, you may be surprised.
bjarias29 December 2021
... Foy & Bettany were-are their usual outstanding selves ... the production was very good, the only criticism might be the length ... 1st & 3rd parts were reasonably paced ... the middle dragged a bit as if to fill time ... overall a worthwhile effort even if a bit too lengthy.
xmasdaybaby196627 December 2021
I am not sure that some of these reviewers have seen all 3 episodes before writing here (only one has bee on BBC 1 at the time of writing; the others are on the iPlayer).
This was a brilliant 3 hours of top quality TV from beginning to end.
Yes, it has been taken predominantly from the defender's point of viewer (the writer and director are both female) but the show clearly depicts the idiosyncrasies of both sides.
Margaret is a strong character with her husband's balls in her handbag but he does use his balls to try to attain the outcome he wants.
True to life stories are hard to do but this was most credible.
User Reviews
Watchseries; This is an interesting, if not quite worthy successor to the infinitely superior A Very English Scandal. The problem here is that the writers clearly decided to make Margaret, the Duchess, the more sympathetic character - one supposes so the audience would have someone to root for, but also clearly in order to create a narrative around the way women were demonised for their sexuality in more repressive times. While this is certainly a valid perspective, it has the effect of short-changing us on the scandal front. In truth, the Duchess was a nasty piece of work, and every bit as bad, if not worse, than the loathsome Duke. But this TV version of events only touches lightly on some of the more appalling things she did, like trying to have her step-sons disinherited, and faking a pregnancy (while attempting to buy a baby) to establish a rival claim to the estate and title. The real Margaret was thoroughly spoilt, vacuous and self-absorbed, and Claire Foy's generous portrayal of her really doesn't do justice to the woman's monstrosity. And if the object here is to dissect a celebrated scandal, why not go all the way? The series is worth watching for the performances, and as a potted history to the Argyll affair, but if you want the full story you'll need to do some further reading.
This is an interesting, if not quite worthy successor to the infinitely superior A Very English Scandal. The problem here is that the writers clearly decided to make Margaret, the Duchess, the more sympathetic character - one supposes so the audience would have someone to root for, but also clearly in order to create a narrative around the way women were demonised for their sexuality in more repressive times. While this is certainly a valid perspective, it has the effect of short-changing us on the scandal front. In truth, the Duchess was a nasty piece of work, and every bit as bad, if not worse, than the loathsome Duke. But this TV version of events only touches lightly on some of the more appalling things she did, like trying to have her step-sons disinherited, and faking a pregnancy (while attempting to buy a baby) to establish a rival claim to the estate and title. The real Margaret was thoroughly spoilt, vacuous and self-absorbed, and Claire Foy's generous portrayal of her really doesn't do justice to the woman's monstrosity. And if the object here is to dissect a celebrated scandal, why not go all the way? The series is worth watching for the performances, and as a potted history to the Argyll affair, but if you want the full story you'll need to do some further reading.
A Very British Scandal watchseries. How is it all his fault? She had her reputation years before they met, destroyed his ex with humiliation, and in the end she got the shame that was long overdue. She knew who he was before they married. Also, she's a terrible mother. Might not be the case irl, but the rich so often were in those days.
No this is not about Prince Andrew or Harry and Meg. But a scandal that rocked the establishment in late 1950s Britain when the Duke and Duchess of Argyle were having sex wild parties with everyone except themselves.
I was unaware of this story unlike the previous dramas about Prefumo and Jeremy Thorpe. At a time when divorce was frowned upon in upper classes the story concludes with a high profile court case.
As. With all BBC period dramas the costumes settings hair and make up are out the top draw, as are the performances in particular Clare Foy who does posh awfully well as shown in the Crown. 8/10.
When something like this is written by a woman and directed by one you know there is going to be a heavy bias towards the woman's point of view.
Not much can be changed, unless you want to distort the truth but this is seen from the Duchess' point of view, making the Duke look like the bigger AH than her. I thought it was more six of one and half a dozen of the other. They both had affairs and behaved appallingly, he just got in first.
The leads played their parts well with a great script.
I've read a few rumours of who the headless man was, interesting, Google it, you may be surprised.
... Foy & Bettany were-are their usual outstanding selves ... the production was very good, the only criticism might be the length ... 1st & 3rd parts were reasonably paced ... the middle dragged a bit as if to fill time ... overall a worthwhile effort even if a bit too lengthy.
I am not sure that some of these reviewers have seen all 3 episodes before writing here (only one has bee on BBC 1 at the time of writing; the others are on the iPlayer).
This was a brilliant 3 hours of top quality TV from beginning to end.
Yes, it has been taken predominantly from the defender's point of viewer (the writer and director are both female) but the show clearly depicts the idiosyncrasies of both sides.
Margaret is a strong character with her husband's balls in her handbag but he does use his balls to try to attain the outcome he wants.
True to life stories are hard to do but this was most credible.
The best thing on TV this Christmas.