10 374 votes
Language: English
Two brothers who rose from the decaying streets of southwest Detroit in the late 1980's and gave birth to one of the most influential crime families in the country.
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User Reviews
Watchseries; Yeeeeesssssss. Ok ok ok let get a understanding BMF.
Yeeeeesssssss. Ok ok ok let get a understanding BMF.
BMF watchseries. Very good show. I like the writing and directing. Story is based off a true story and of course it's been done before and to be honest this isn't overly original just yet. However the actors are good, the writing is good and I like the directing. Lil meech definitely can act. Very impressed.
First of all, this program got off to a good start, the actors all have great chemistry, that's important also it's not playing out like a soap opera, while the story is episodic, the socio-economic theme of poverty rears it's ugly head and make two young men choose a path where most men dread going, fear is a monster, you don't know how it will strike at you, it's like a thief in the night, some people grasp it and use to conquer their goals, episode one touched on that issue quite a bit, I liked what I saw so far, 50 CENT continues to bring to the public interesting crime dramas that resonate to fans of that genre.
It follows all the previous paint by numbers black crime shows and movies but since this is based on a true story I doubt they could improvise that much.
The production values are good and there is this "feel" and potential to it that it will get better as it goes on.
All in all, 2021 hasn't been that good a year for TV or Cinema and I think this show is better than a lot of the other content put out this year.
I wished this and wished it was a finished series with 5 seasons so i can watch like 5 eps a day that how much entertaining it was , cant wait for the next Episode next week.
If it keeps going even close to as good as the first episode was,this series will be 10/10.