10 5.5K votes
Language: English
A prisoner becomes a lawyer and fights to overturn his life sentence for a crime he didn't commit.
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Best For Life Episodes
January 27, 2021
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User Reviews
Watchseries; I think the depth of the great script, and the truth being portrayed by through these characters is captivating. It is for sure award worthy, and I'd love to see 50 cent get a nod for it. Defiantly one of my favorite series right now, like I said I don't want it to end.
I think the depth of the great script, and the truth being portrayed by through these characters is captivating. It is for sure award worthy, and I'd love to see 50 cent get a nod for it. Defiantly one of my favorite series right now, like I said I don't want it to end.
For Life watchseries. The pilot shows potential. It's an interesting premise, and the injustice system is only getting worse, especially with all the right wing judges getting appointed. There are flaws in the show. They're setting up an intensity, and the fast pace, the editing, some terse short scenes, though they do stay with the lead and slow down when it counts. It usually takes a few episodes for a show to get its legs, and it'll be worth it to find out if this one will. Meantime, it is based on a true story, and we're rooting for the innocent good guy up against Goliath. If they make it too simplistic, too good guy inside vs. bad guys in and outside, though I'm sure it's accurate, it won't make it. Also, it's looking a bit like it's taking on racist issues, which we must confront, but if that's oversimplified, I'm don't know if it'll serve the show or the audience. Please don't underestimate the audience's ability to handle the complexity. We've got way too much polarization in our country as it is. The problems have deep roots. I hope the show finds them. There's a fair amount of screen time spent on the voice over, it shortens the time spent on scenes. Meantime, great cast, good actors in all roles, I wish them well with it.
Love this show. This house's weekly obsession. Wonderful acting.
First season was great, watching the hardships of what innocent prisoners experience while away from family. We can all agree that our judicial system is flawed and needs overall but season 2 going south. All police officers aren't there to arrest minorities, this is only flaming the racial divide today.
50 a genius! He did it again. Amazing show!!!!!! Keep on good work!
There have been many shows and documentaries on how corrupt and broken the criminal justice system is in America. Even if you've never been there (America that is, not prison, though that may apply too), you get the picture and you don't need really a great imagination for that either.
Having said that, the first season of this show is really well told. It may feel like it is stretched a few times to some, but the writing is really good. You are thrown in (no pun intended) - and you have to find your way and get into the mindset of our main character. There is an episode that goes back and shows us a bit of the how (not so much why) he got in prison. That works quite fine too ... it is the circumstances ... we will find out what made the police and the AG act the way they did. Not as an excuse, but more for the viewer to understand. But this doesn't mean this case is an exception ... unfortunately.
It really gets grim and it really hurts watching many times. Especially if you have a neck for justice - and hate injustice! This really gives it to you as crazy as you can imagine. The second season starts off on such a high ... that it almost is impossible to reach that after that. There are also certain things in here that are true, but feel like they are being hammered home. Now I know it is different for those who go through stuff like that, than for those who just watch them unfold ... but in this case truth is much scarier than fiction ... and to depict those things in a show is walking a fine line ... you be the judge how much or to what effect this works.
One last thing I really am not fond of seeing - nothing to do with the show directly, but with reviewers ... please stop rating a whole show after just seeing one or two episodes! Rate those and review those, but not the entirety of the show based on just a portion of it. Thank you very much.