This series focuses on the NYPD's Major Case Squad, a force of detectives who investigate high profile cases, whilst also showing parts of the crime from the criminal's point of view to the audience.
Watchseries; My personal favorite. The most riveting episodes. The deepest and most endearing backstory. Genius with the temperament of an excited teenager with a mastery of affect, Incite and subtle manipulation. The perfect detective.
cbibins-359833 January 2020
My personal favorite. The most riveting episodes. The deepest and most endearing backstory. Genius with the temperament of an excited teenager with a mastery of affect, Incite and subtle manipulation. The perfect detective.
photogod41625 January 2004
Law and Order: Criminal Intent watchseries. Dick Wolf has created quality television once again with the latest series in the "Law & Order" franchise. Wolf combines intelligence, intensity, charm and wit to create the successful formula for "Law & Order: Criminal Intent."
Vincent D'Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Jamey Sheridan, and Courtney B. Vance shine as they give performances that supercede those given on "NYPD Blue." Like the cast on "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," D'Onofrio, Erbe, Sheridan and Vance feed off each other as if they were veterans working together for a long time.
It is especially fun to watch D'Onofrio's character Bobby Goren at work as he uses deductive reasoning combined with his great intellect to pick out the perpetrator. D'Onofrio gives insightful performances with each episode he stars.
Like their co-star, Erbe, Sheridan and Vance are welcome additions to an already wonderful series, who each bring their own unique brand of style and talent to their respective roles, a quality that sets them apart from other crime drama casts.
Quality writing and riveting performances set "Law And Order: Criminal Intent" far apart from the other crime dramas on television. Each episode is riveting, written with intelligence, and contains characters with great depth. "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" is one of only a few crime dramas that contains all of these elements. It is an honor to set aside one hour every week to watch "Law & Order: Criminal Intent."
It was a pleasant surprise to watch the writers' come up with an original idea, which they think of stories that delve into the criminal mind and the motives behind the crime. Also, they drew me in with their ability to create a detective with skills similar to Sherlock Holmes and a partner that rivals Dr. Watson.
The outstanding writing and great performances make me care about this outstanding series. With involving storylines and insightful characters, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" is one of the finest crime dramas on television.
undura20002 January 2006
I have been watching law and order c.i for a little while now and i think that the show is just great. I read a comment about cutting down "Goren"'s time on the show. I really disapprove of this myself. That character is the only reason why i watch the show. I believe that he or his character makes the show what it is. Besides from being a devout loyal watcher of the show, this would break my heart. I love the way the char. moves and he talks. He is awesome, and a very important part of the show. There are very few t.v characters that pull me in the way "Goren" does. If this character leaves or takes time off of the show, than so will I. Does anyone else feel this way about his character? please respond. By the way the whole cast is just great, and the show needs to stay the way it is.
Christeen12 November 2001
I am a long standing fan of Law and Order,the original series. I never could get into SVU, but I love CI. The intelligence of Vincent's character is wonderful and I have fun watching him "trip" the bad guys. There is humor and sarcasm that I find refreshing, it keeps the show from being too dark. I don't find this show overly violent at all. The acting and writing are top notch. Definitely my favorite series this season.
angie-p-ballard24 February 2004
Seldom do I get attached to TV series, but my personal interest in criminology got me started on watching Law & Order: Criminal Intent. I came upon the series in its second season and was hooked. I am fascinated with the "ripped from the headlines" plot and the unique way the stories unfold (i.e, the viewer knows something the detectives don't and vice versa). This coupled with the ending (always a surprise) leads one to demand more.
The main characters are talented actors and I enjoy watching them interact with each other, sort of . . . you may be smart, but I'm better looking. Alex is no side kick, she holds her own and can match wits with the best of them - including "right brain" Bobby. Whoever cast these two together deserves a "right brain" metal.
davezeppelin22 July 2003
After seeing this show and having watched the other 2 L&O shows, I must say that this one has made me think the most and always has me gripping right to the end just like the other two. All 3 have become excellent shows and each stands out has forged its own identity. D'Onofrio is so good it will give you chills at times. 5 out of 5.
User Reviews
Watchseries; My personal favorite. The most riveting episodes. The deepest and most endearing backstory. Genius with the temperament of an excited teenager with a mastery of affect, Incite and subtle manipulation. The perfect detective.
My personal favorite. The most riveting episodes. The deepest and most endearing backstory. Genius with the temperament of an excited teenager with a mastery of affect, Incite and subtle manipulation. The perfect detective.
Law and Order: Criminal Intent watchseries. Dick Wolf has created quality television once again with the latest series in the "Law & Order" franchise. Wolf combines intelligence, intensity, charm and wit to create the successful formula for "Law & Order: Criminal Intent."
Vincent D'Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Jamey Sheridan, and Courtney B. Vance shine as they give performances that supercede those given on "NYPD Blue." Like the cast on "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," D'Onofrio, Erbe, Sheridan and Vance feed off each other as if they were veterans working together for a long time.
It is especially fun to watch D'Onofrio's character Bobby Goren at work as he uses deductive reasoning combined with his great intellect to pick out the perpetrator. D'Onofrio gives insightful performances with each episode he stars.
Like their co-star, Erbe, Sheridan and Vance are welcome additions to an already wonderful series, who each bring their own unique brand of style and talent to their respective roles, a quality that sets them apart from other crime drama casts.
Quality writing and riveting performances set "Law And Order: Criminal Intent" far apart from the other crime dramas on television. Each episode is riveting, written with intelligence, and contains characters with great depth. "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" is one of only a few crime dramas that contains all of these elements. It is an honor to set aside one hour every week to watch "Law & Order: Criminal Intent."
It was a pleasant surprise to watch the writers' come up with an original idea, which they think of stories that delve into the criminal mind and the motives behind the crime. Also, they drew me in with their ability to create a detective with skills similar to Sherlock Holmes and a partner that rivals Dr. Watson.
The outstanding writing and great performances make me care about this outstanding series. With involving storylines and insightful characters, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" is one of the finest crime dramas on television.
I have been watching law and order c.i for a little while now and i think that the show is just great. I read a comment about cutting down "Goren"'s time on the show. I really disapprove of this myself. That character is the only reason why i watch the show. I believe that he or his character makes the show what it is. Besides from being a devout loyal watcher of the show, this would break my heart. I love the way the char. moves and he talks. He is awesome, and a very important part of the show. There are very few t.v characters that pull me in the way "Goren" does. If this character leaves or takes time off of the show, than so will I. Does anyone else feel this way about his character? please respond. By the way the whole cast is just great, and the show needs to stay the way it is.
I am a long standing fan of Law and Order,the original series. I never could get into SVU, but I love CI. The intelligence of Vincent's character is wonderful and I have fun watching him "trip" the bad guys. There is humor and sarcasm that I find refreshing, it keeps the show from being too dark. I don't find this show overly violent at all. The acting and writing are top notch. Definitely my favorite series this season.
Seldom do I get attached to TV series, but my personal interest in criminology got me started on watching Law & Order: Criminal Intent. I came upon the series in its second season and was hooked. I am fascinated with the "ripped from the headlines" plot and the unique way the stories unfold (i.e, the viewer knows something the detectives don't and vice versa). This coupled with the ending (always a surprise) leads one to demand more.
The main characters are talented actors and I enjoy watching them interact with each other, sort of . . . you may be smart, but I'm better looking. Alex is no side kick, she holds her own and can match wits with the best of them - including "right brain" Bobby. Whoever cast these two together deserves a "right brain" metal.
After seeing this show and having watched the other 2 L&O shows, I must say that this one has made me think the most and always has me gripping right to the end just like the other two. All 3 have become excellent shows and each stands out has forged its own identity. D'Onofrio is so good it will give you chills at times. 5 out of 5.