Watchseries; I saw this come up on Disney and we were very excited by the prospect of more National Treasure adventures.
However this is incredibly poorly written. The entire premise makes zero sense. The characters also are lacking any depth and feel like they were written for the audiences of decades ago.
We watches as much of this as we could but the terrible writing kept us from being able to stay with it. What has happened to the fun writing that Disney used to be so great at? None of that is n this series.
I wish Disney had taken the premise seriously and made something awesome. But instead they made an unwatchable series.
kevin-k-lewis15 December 2022
I saw this come up on Disney and we were very excited by the prospect of more National Treasure adventures.
However this is incredibly poorly written. The entire premise makes zero sense. The characters also are lacking any depth and feel like they were written for the audiences of decades ago.
We watches as much of this as we could but the terrible writing kept us from being able to stay with it. What has happened to the fun writing that Disney used to be so great at? None of that is n this series.
I wish Disney had taken the premise seriously and made something awesome. But instead they made an unwatchable series.
Presumably it's aimed at teens or tweens, given it centres on the adventures of the irritating Jess Valenzuela (her surname perhaps being Spanish for "little value").
What on earth is Harvey Keitel doing in this? Has he wasted so much money that he has to take absolutely any paying job that is offered to him, however abysmal the script is? Does he have no dignity?
Must admit I'm struggling to find any reason to continue subscribing to Disney+ after my initial month is up. (And now I realise why they don't give a free trial period in the UK.)
GeorgeTinNYC18 December 2022
If this is to engage younger audiences, then understandable. However don't write down and simplify narrative and story .... To broaden your audience because you get this drivel... I love Catherine Zeta Jones and Harvey Keitel. They were the only characters keeping me in. The lead young woman Lisette Olivers is also great... it's the supporting cast and the sloppy writing that makes me wish they all would fall into a well, never to be found. If Zuri Reed shouts "patriarchy" one more time I'm gonna throw my shoe at my tv. I get it, the original cast is too expensive en masse (I guess) but then spend on writers. This seems sooooooo boring but there's a great story tucked away. I cannot relate to any characters because they're just so naive, dumb and trivial... I don't care about any of them. Except for Catherine Zeta & Lisette.
ALSO! Disney! Stop being so lazy!!!! The last two relatively Hispanic characters have been named "Jess Valenzuela" and "America Chavez". Why not add a Lisa Porto Rico, James Brazilo and Gloria Chilis. It's juror terrible and lazy. I get it... "America Chavez" is a Marvel creation BUT she's a marvel creation from 2021..... so DO BETTER. Some of us brown people have names like, George, Abby, Peter with last names like Richards, Moro, and Jones.
The two takeaways from this rant... is your writing is poor and honestly superficial. I, and maybe more of us with a 4-5 star review do not care about these characters. Nor if they take on this adventure. Try harder with character development and names.
Also I love that Charley Koontz (Fat Neil) was in this!
vintagegeek18 December 2022
Dora the Explorer Meets Cruella De Vil
Hard to find anything good about this series. Another Disney "tick the box" effort. It's no wonder the Disney board brought back Michael Eisner last month. Confusing plot, kids riding razor scooters and buses to get around town. They're target audience must be kids 13-17. There is no sense of intrigue. It's a slow paced, slog, made even even worse by the characters. I don't think there's a single likeable character in the entire show. The dialogue had to be written to get on your every last nerve, which certainly isn't helped by the bland and not very good actors spouting it. And of course you have Disney ruining it by having each actor's dialogue include their respective social injustice cause. One has to feel sorry for Catherine Zeta-Jones. Although I fear she received a pile of money. They've done a huge disservice to the National Treasure franchise, which is a shame.
So the films National Treasure 1&2 were decently acted and a good giggle. However this other than Harvey Keitel is nowhere near the films, it's virtually vomit inducing from the start. The acting is bad enough, have they just come from stage school or just found wandering the streets, but the script must be written by a 12 year old child who has not been or seen the real world in years? Disney have gone from bad to worse with virtually everything that they have touched recently but this is a step above anything else. They destroyed Star Wars, Marvel, Willow etc and have put the icing on the cake with this pathetic putrid rubbish. Horribly stupid and vile. At least it won't get a second season.
User Reviews
Watchseries; I saw this come up on Disney and we were very excited by the prospect of more National Treasure adventures.
However this is incredibly poorly written. The entire premise makes zero sense. The characters also are lacking any depth and feel like they were written for the audiences of decades ago.
We watches as much of this as we could but the terrible writing kept us from being able to stay with it. What has happened to the fun writing that Disney used to be so great at? None of that is n this series.
I wish Disney had taken the premise seriously and made something awesome. But instead they made an unwatchable series.
I saw this come up on Disney and we were very excited by the prospect of more National Treasure adventures.
However this is incredibly poorly written. The entire premise makes zero sense. The characters also are lacking any depth and feel like they were written for the audiences of decades ago.
We watches as much of this as we could but the terrible writing kept us from being able to stay with it. What has happened to the fun writing that Disney used to be so great at? None of that is n this series.
I wish Disney had taken the premise seriously and made something awesome. But instead they made an unwatchable series.
National Treasure: Edge of History watchseries. An absolutely appalling appendix to the National Treasure movies.
Presumably it's aimed at teens or tweens, given it centres on the adventures of the irritating Jess Valenzuela (her surname perhaps being Spanish for "little value").
What on earth is Harvey Keitel doing in this? Has he wasted so much money that he has to take absolutely any paying job that is offered to him, however abysmal the script is? Does he have no dignity?
Must admit I'm struggling to find any reason to continue subscribing to Disney+ after my initial month is up. (And now I realise why they don't give a free trial period in the UK.)
If this is to engage younger audiences, then understandable. However don't write down and simplify narrative and story .... To broaden your audience because you get this drivel... I love Catherine Zeta Jones and Harvey Keitel. They were the only characters keeping me in. The lead young woman Lisette Olivers is also great... it's the supporting cast and the sloppy writing that makes me wish they all would fall into a well, never to be found. If Zuri Reed shouts "patriarchy" one more time I'm gonna throw my shoe at my tv. I get it, the original cast is too expensive en masse (I guess) but then spend on writers. This seems sooooooo boring but there's a great story tucked away. I cannot relate to any characters because they're just so naive, dumb and trivial... I don't care about any of them. Except for Catherine Zeta & Lisette.
ALSO! Disney! Stop being so lazy!!!! The last two relatively Hispanic characters have been named "Jess Valenzuela" and "America Chavez". Why not add a Lisa Porto Rico, James Brazilo and Gloria Chilis. It's juror terrible and lazy. I get it... "America Chavez" is a Marvel creation BUT she's a marvel creation from 2021..... so DO BETTER. Some of us brown people have names like, George, Abby, Peter with last names like Richards, Moro, and Jones.
The two takeaways from this rant... is your writing is poor and honestly superficial. I, and maybe more of us with a 4-5 star review do not care about these characters. Nor if they take on this adventure. Try harder with character development and names.
Also I love that Charley Koontz (Fat Neil) was in this!
Dora the Explorer Meets Cruella De Vil Hard to find anything good about this series. Another Disney "tick the box" effort. It's no wonder the Disney board brought back Michael Eisner last month. Confusing plot, kids riding razor scooters and buses to get around town. They're target audience must be kids 13-17. There is no sense of intrigue. It's a slow paced, slog, made even even worse by the characters. I don't think there's a single likeable character in the entire show. The dialogue had to be written to get on your every last nerve, which certainly isn't helped by the bland and not very good actors spouting it. And of course you have Disney ruining it by having each actor's dialogue include their respective social injustice cause. One has to feel sorry for Catherine Zeta-Jones. Although I fear she received a pile of money. They've done a huge disservice to the National Treasure franchise, which is a shame.
National Treasure Edge of History is another shallow, superficial, stupid remake from the creatively bankrupt, inane morons that are modern entertainment "writers." They lack the ability to come up with their own stories and keep decimating stories from the past. They are too incompetent to even copy. The characters are boring and cliché, the dialogue is frivolous babble, and the plot is generic and predictable. While the writing for the show is the main problem, that's not all. The acting and effects are subpar as well. I know there are decent young actors out there (e.g. Jenna Ortega), so why do movies and shows keep hiring weak performers? Do they not go through auditions? Are they being selected based on shoe size? I remember when the one bad actor on a show stood out. Now it's the one good one, if at all. I was utterly bored with this show. It has no redeeming features and is a complete waste of time and resources.
So the films National Treasure 1&2 were decently acted and a good giggle. However this other than Harvey Keitel is nowhere near the films, it's virtually vomit inducing from the start. The acting is bad enough, have they just come from stage school or just found wandering the streets, but the script must be written by a 12 year old child who has not been or seen the real world in years? Disney have gone from bad to worse with virtually everything that they have touched recently but this is a step above anything else. They destroyed Star Wars, Marvel, Willow etc and have put the icing on the cake with this pathetic putrid rubbish. Horribly stupid and vile. At least it won't get a second season.