Follows Gabe, an ordinary man who works as an emergency call handler for the Scottish Ambulance Service in Glasgow. One day he receives a desperate call from a woman who seems to know him.
Watchseries; Iain De Caestecker is one of the best actors alive today. He is stunningly amazing and can basically save anything or elevate any show. So when I say that not even Ian can get me to raise the grade of this you should understand my full meaning.
This is not the worst thing ever. The premise is actually pretty good, and a few of the twists could have worked with a better director. I was also decently intrigued for 15min or so. But there ends any positives. The Plot is almost non existing, the pacing is way off, there are plot holes in every corner and the writing is abysmal. The dialogue is below subpar and the directing is one of the worst seen. Basically this had a good idea, and a couple of great actors but they messed up everything else.
3/10 is pretty low but I cannot allow myself to give this a higher score.
namob-4367321 July 2022
Iain De Caestecker is one of the best actors alive today. He is stunningly amazing and can basically save anything or elevate any show. So when I say that not even Ian can get me to raise the grade of this you should understand my full meaning.
This is not the worst thing ever. The premise is actually pretty good, and a few of the twists could have worked with a better director. I was also decently intrigued for 15min or so. But there ends any positives. The Plot is almost non existing, the pacing is way off, there are plot holes in every corner and the writing is abysmal. The dialogue is below subpar and the directing is one of the worst seen. Basically this had a good idea, and a couple of great actors but they messed up everything else.
3/10 is pretty low but I cannot allow myself to give this a higher score.
boldrinp18 July 2022
The Control Room watchseries. Taking the stretching of disbelief to the limit and then stretching it some more. A total waste of Joanna Vanderham. Poor Gabriel a rabbit in the headlights who we are led to believe somehow saves the day.
john_maudlin18 July 2022
The premise seems to be control. Hence the title and the protagonist's job. He is taken out of control much as Michael Douglas was in The Game, but if he's being set up how does the girl ring an emergency line with the certainty she'll get through to him? Could be wrong. The getaway with the van and jog back home seem ludicrous. The detective knows where he lives unless everyone is in on it. Girl's phone call to his colleague similar to rise Maddy pulls on Ned in Body Heat.
midjet22 July 2022
Have to agree with the majority of the previous reviews.
Wanted to switch off after first episode and wasn't bothered to find out the ending. Why?, because after Gabe makes the most obvious of "no, you didn't just agree to that" moments, it goes from bad to worse. Every twist and turn in the first 2 episodes have me screaming at the TV "nooooooo".
But as a dutiful husband, having had my wife watch some of the stuff I like, I repaid the debt a million times over to watch this to its conclusion.
There were a few more twists in the final episode that we didn't see coming which kinda redeemed it a bit, but not enough for me to recommend it.
IDC was ok in Marvel agents of Shield but he almost felt the same in this, with his nervous affectations.
So glad it's over and hopefully no sequel.....
Sounded good on the radio adverts but in reality a MISS rather that a HIT.
Would give it a 2.5 for the little twists in the last episode.
cwqfck18 July 2022
Found it difficult to follow. Riddled with flashbacks that are irreverent, guess with a thin story you need fillers. Dialogue was not clear, making it difficult to understand. Poor quality for a BBC production.
PeteThePrimate19 July 2022
Badly written, dodgy acting, unbelievable and poorly thought out plot. One of the worst series I've seen on the Beeb in recent years. There's better things to watch out there.
User Reviews
Watchseries; Iain De Caestecker is one of the best actors alive today. He is stunningly amazing and can basically save anything or elevate any show. So when I say that not even Ian can get me to raise the grade of this you should understand my full meaning.
This is not the worst thing ever. The premise is actually pretty good, and a few of the twists could have worked with a better director. I was also decently intrigued for 15min or so. But there ends any positives. The Plot is almost non existing, the pacing is way off, there are plot holes in every corner and the writing is abysmal. The dialogue is below subpar and the directing is one of the worst seen. Basically this had a good idea, and a couple of great actors but they messed up everything else.
3/10 is pretty low but I cannot allow myself to give this a higher score.
Iain De Caestecker is one of the best actors alive today. He is stunningly amazing and can basically save anything or elevate any show. So when I say that not even Ian can get me to raise the grade of this you should understand my full meaning.
This is not the worst thing ever. The premise is actually pretty good, and a few of the twists could have worked with a better director. I was also decently intrigued for 15min or so. But there ends any positives. The Plot is almost non existing, the pacing is way off, there are plot holes in every corner and the writing is abysmal. The dialogue is below subpar and the directing is one of the worst seen. Basically this had a good idea, and a couple of great actors but they messed up everything else.
3/10 is pretty low but I cannot allow myself to give this a higher score.
The Control Room watchseries. Taking the stretching of disbelief to the limit and then stretching it some more. A total waste of Joanna Vanderham. Poor Gabriel a rabbit in the headlights who we are led to believe somehow saves the day.
The premise seems to be control. Hence the title and the protagonist's job. He is taken out of control much as Michael Douglas was in The Game, but if he's being set up how does the girl ring an emergency line with the certainty she'll get through to him? Could be wrong. The getaway with the van and jog back home seem ludicrous. The detective knows where he lives unless everyone is in on it. Girl's phone call to his colleague similar to rise Maddy pulls on Ned in Body Heat.
Have to agree with the majority of the previous reviews.
Wanted to switch off after first episode and wasn't bothered to find out the ending. Why?, because after Gabe makes the most obvious of "no, you didn't just agree to that" moments, it goes from bad to worse. Every twist and turn in the first 2 episodes have me screaming at the TV "nooooooo".
But as a dutiful husband, having had my wife watch some of the stuff I like, I repaid the debt a million times over to watch this to its conclusion.
There were a few more twists in the final episode that we didn't see coming which kinda redeemed it a bit, but not enough for me to recommend it.
IDC was ok in Marvel agents of Shield but he almost felt the same in this, with his nervous affectations.
So glad it's over and hopefully no sequel..... Sounded good on the radio adverts but in reality a MISS rather that a HIT.
Would give it a 2.5 for the little twists in the last episode.
Found it difficult to follow. Riddled with flashbacks that are irreverent, guess with a thin story you need fillers. Dialogue was not clear, making it difficult to understand. Poor quality for a BBC production.
Badly written, dodgy acting, unbelievable and poorly thought out plot. One of the worst series I've seen on the Beeb in recent years. There's better things to watch out there.