Follows London widow Cora Seaborne who moves to Essex to investigate reports of a mythical serpent. She forms a bond of science and skepticism with the pastor, but when tragedy strikes, locals accuse her of attracting the creature.
Watchseries; Do you think theirs something strange going on here ? Beyond that of which we think we know, how can one be sure ? Mythology meets evolution on a journey to find a truth, or maybe all is not what it seems. "The Essex Serpant" a pleasant dip into a mystery of the unknown. An eerie adoption to screen, quality casting and delightful production. Leaving one to wonder, how and what is to come ? Pleasantly surprised having known little to nothing whilst going in completely blind. I feel as if I've been thrown into the scene just at the brink of the 20th century. We shall see if the following episodes live uptown my delight.
lytrasrunescape13 May 2022
Do you think theirs something strange going on here ? Beyond that of which we think we know, how can one be sure ? Mythology meets evolution on a journey to find a truth, or maybe all is not what it seems. "The Essex Serpant" a pleasant dip into a mystery of the unknown. An eerie adoption to screen, quality casting and delightful production. Leaving one to wonder, how and what is to come ? Pleasantly surprised having known little to nothing whilst going in completely blind. I feel as if I've been thrown into the scene just at the brink of the 20th century. We shall see if the following episodes live uptown my delight.
vmznhhhk13 May 2022
The Essex Serpent watchseries. What may sound like a romantic soap opera plays as an urgent, if melodramatic, investigation into changing cultural mores and slowly evolving views on the importance of medicine and science in overturning deeply-held beliefs that are rooted in rumor.
bosporan13 May 2022
A fine portrayal of religious superstition and rational thought colliding over unusual, unnerving and unexplained events. An intriguing, well paced story, with strong dialogue and scene-setting with no jarring exposition. Garden of Eden imagery abounds in the core serpent story, relationships and contrasting treatment of men and women.
A quality cast: Tom Hiddleston, known for range and ability, fulfils his reputation; Claire Danes is one-note, but Cora is unique and relatable, despite superficial similarities to Carrie Mathison (obsessed, troubled, flouts convention); Hayley Squires excels as the passionate, idealistic Martha, a confidence, character and charisma whirlwind.
Fabulous cinematography employs unusual angles, especially the marshes' low level capture, presenting a gritty, sinister foreboding. Period trimmings work, with de rigueur frocks and interiors, despite some clear anachronistic choices.
After two episodes, this is shaping up to be marvellous TV.
User Reviews
Watchseries; Do you think theirs something strange going on here ? Beyond that of which we think we know, how can one be sure ? Mythology meets evolution on a journey to find a truth, or maybe all is not what it seems. "The Essex Serpant" a pleasant dip into a mystery of the unknown. An eerie adoption to screen, quality casting and delightful production. Leaving one to wonder, how and what is to come ? Pleasantly surprised having known little to nothing whilst going in completely blind. I feel as if I've been thrown into the scene just at the brink of the 20th century. We shall see if the following episodes live uptown my delight.
Do you think theirs something strange going on here ? Beyond that of which we think we know, how can one be sure ? Mythology meets evolution on a journey to find a truth, or maybe all is not what it seems. "The Essex Serpant" a pleasant dip into a mystery of the unknown. An eerie adoption to screen, quality casting and delightful production. Leaving one to wonder, how and what is to come ? Pleasantly surprised having known little to nothing whilst going in completely blind. I feel as if I've been thrown into the scene just at the brink of the 20th century. We shall see if the following episodes live uptown my delight.
The Essex Serpent watchseries. What may sound like a romantic soap opera plays as an urgent, if melodramatic, investigation into changing cultural mores and slowly evolving views on the importance of medicine and science in overturning deeply-held beliefs that are rooted in rumor.
A fine portrayal of religious superstition and rational thought colliding over unusual, unnerving and unexplained events. An intriguing, well paced story, with strong dialogue and scene-setting with no jarring exposition. Garden of Eden imagery abounds in the core serpent story, relationships and contrasting treatment of men and women.
A quality cast: Tom Hiddleston, known for range and ability, fulfils his reputation; Claire Danes is one-note, but Cora is unique and relatable, despite superficial similarities to Carrie Mathison (obsessed, troubled, flouts convention); Hayley Squires excels as the passionate, idealistic Martha, a confidence, character and charisma whirlwind.
Fabulous cinematography employs unusual angles, especially the marshes' low level capture, presenting a gritty, sinister foreboding. Period trimmings work, with de rigueur frocks and interiors, despite some clear anachronistic choices.
After two episodes, this is shaping up to be marvellous TV.