This follows the early adventures of famed Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, who finds himself pulled into a series of deadly puzzles when his mentor is kidnapped. The CIA forces him onto a task force where he uncovers a chilling conspiracy.
Watchseries; I'm a fan of the book. Soo first this is story was changed in few aspects, I have no idea why they have to do it but they done it, we will have to see if it is for good or not with up coming episodes.
It feels like the story is rushed, in the book it as nicely passed and not just symbols upon symbols but mystery and intrigue mixed with with tension of unknown.
However, I will wait to the next episode eagerly. I feel like something is missing in translation and value of the production...!!!
Will see....!!!
sameerakarunaratne17 September 2021
I'm a fan of the book. Soo first this is story was changed in few aspects, I have no idea why they have to do it but they done it, we will have to see if it is for good or not with up coming episodes.
It feels like the story is rushed, in the book it as nicely passed and not just symbols upon symbols but mystery and intrigue mixed with with tension of unknown.
However, I will wait to the next episode eagerly. I feel like something is missing in translation and value of the production...!!!
Will see....!!!
YabbaDabbaDabba18 September 2021
The Lost Symbol watchseries. Not for me. For full disclosure, I hated The DaVinci Code too. It's just hard to watch someone chase around for missing pieces of something unknown, for some unknown reason, and put together formerly unknown clues known only to the scriptwriters and their bizarre imagination. Basically, who cares. In a word, boring.
I always relate this kind of junk to the TV series "Lost," which was lost and remained lost the entire series. Nonsense, and who cares. I would prefer to read a How To Catch Bats and Moths manual.
solitaryman-9105123 September 2021
.....nonsensical GARBAGE!!! Terrible casting, especially the actor who plays Robert Langdon. Anyone who has seen the Dan Brown movies with Tom Hanks has got to cringe with this actors version. This is something straight out of a Marvel Studio movie. Don't waste your time.
aribol16 September 2021
Although the series is based on Dan Brown's Lost Symbol, the script has entirely rewritten the story and it's loosely based on his characters. Langdon comes through as shy, nervous and hesitant with not much of an imagination. The acting is weak and sometimes painful to watch, while the story feels like a cheap TV series. We know Langdon is an expert of symbology, but that doesn't mean that there have to be continuously symbols he has to decrypt. Dan Brown's novel have a certain rhythm between mystery, decryption and action, in this show this is lost, at least in its first episode.
raahuuls19 September 2021
Over all look and feel is very bad. Also screenplay and direction is pathetic. Looks like some immature guy has done it.
qghjhxghc17 September 2021
There's a good amount of intrigue mixed with a bit of WTF? Just one note for NBC/Universal: THERE SHOULD NOT BE AN APOSTROPHE IN "It's cryptic text..."! The opening frame of the show, and somebody needs an editor.
User Reviews
Watchseries; I'm a fan of the book. Soo first this is story was changed in few aspects, I have no idea why they have to do it but they done it, we will have to see if it is for good or not with up coming episodes.
It feels like the story is rushed, in the book it as nicely passed and not just symbols upon symbols but mystery and intrigue mixed with with tension of unknown.
However, I will wait to the next episode eagerly. I feel like something is missing in translation and value of the production...!!!
Will see....!!!
I'm a fan of the book. Soo first this is story was changed in few aspects, I have no idea why they have to do it but they done it, we will have to see if it is for good or not with up coming episodes.
It feels like the story is rushed, in the book it as nicely passed and not just symbols upon symbols but mystery and intrigue mixed with with tension of unknown.
However, I will wait to the next episode eagerly. I feel like something is missing in translation and value of the production...!!!
Will see....!!!
The Lost Symbol watchseries. Not for me. For full disclosure, I hated The DaVinci Code too. It's just hard to watch someone chase around for missing pieces of something unknown, for some unknown reason, and put together formerly unknown clues known only to the scriptwriters and their bizarre imagination. Basically, who cares. In a word, boring.
I always relate this kind of junk to the TV series "Lost," which was lost and remained lost the entire series. Nonsense, and who cares. I would prefer to read a How To Catch Bats and Moths manual.
.....nonsensical GARBAGE!!! Terrible casting, especially the actor who plays Robert Langdon. Anyone who has seen the Dan Brown movies with Tom Hanks has got to cringe with this actors version. This is something straight out of a Marvel Studio movie. Don't waste your time.
Although the series is based on Dan Brown's Lost Symbol, the script has entirely rewritten the story and it's loosely based on his characters. Langdon comes through as shy, nervous and hesitant with not much of an imagination. The acting is weak and sometimes painful to watch, while the story feels like a cheap TV series. We know Langdon is an expert of symbology, but that doesn't mean that there have to be continuously symbols he has to decrypt. Dan Brown's novel have a certain rhythm between mystery, decryption and action, in this show this is lost, at least in its first episode.
Over all look and feel is very bad. Also screenplay and direction is pathetic. Looks like some immature guy has done it.
There's a good amount of intrigue mixed with a bit of WTF? Just one note for NBC/Universal: THERE SHOULD NOT BE AN APOSTROPHE IN "It's cryptic text..."! The opening frame of the show, and somebody needs an editor.